本次“和平系列”公益售賣是“紀念豐子愷誕辰125週年”系列活動之一,旨在契合當下全球地緣政治的變局,以弘揚“和平”主題,突顯豐子愷的藝術作品中批判現實主義和倡導世界和平的藝術思想,傳遞豐老對生命充滿希冀的這一永恆的人文藝術哲思,祈望重新燃起當今世界對和平渴望的美好願景,讓“和平之美”於世間久久留存。 上線時間: 2023年12月20日 10am 項目官網: fengzikai.org The “Peace Series” charity sale is one of the series of activities in the “Commemorating the 125th Birth Anniversary of Feng Zikai”. It aims to speak volume about the current global geopolitical shifts, promote the theme of “peace” and highlight Feng Zikai’s artistic philosophy of criticizing realism and advocating for world peace in his artworks. The event seeks to convey Feng Zikai’s eternal humanistic and artistic ideals, which are filled with hope for life, and to ignite a renewed desire for peace in the world. Its aspiration is to preserve the beauty of peace in the world for a long time to come. Launch Time: 10 am, 20th December, 2023 (HKT) Official Website: https://fengzikai.org/2023-fzk-peace-series-digital-collection/
本次“和平系列”公益售賣是“紀念豐子愷誕辰125週年”系列活動之一,旨在契合當下全球地緣政治的變局,以弘揚“和平”主題,突顯豐子愷的藝術作品中批判現實主義和倡導世界和平的藝術思想,傳遞豐老對生命充滿希冀的這一永恆的人文藝術哲思,祈望重新燃起當今世界對和平渴望的美好願景,讓“和平之美”於世間久久留存。 上線時間: 2023年12月20日 10am 項目官網: fengzikai.org The “Peace Series” charity sale is one of the series of activities in the “Commemorating the 125th Birth Anniversary of Feng Zikai”. It aims to speak volume about the current global geopolitical shifts, promote the theme of “peace” and highlight Feng Zikai’s artistic philosophy of criticizing realism and advocating for world peace in his artworks. The event seeks to convey Feng Zikai’s eternal humanistic and artistic ideals, which are filled with hope for life, and to ignite a renewed desire for peace in the world. Its aspiration is to preserve the beauty of peace in the world for a long time to come. Launch Time: 10 am, 20th December, 2023 (HKT) Official Website: https://fengzikai.org/2023-fzk-peace-series-digital-collection/